What is an abstract to a scientific article

Annotation to a scientific article (or " description " in translation from English "description") is a brief retelling of the content of the work, indicating the goals, objectives, scientific novelty, keywords, results obtained and the area of ​​their application. The abstract focuses on what is new in the scientific article in comparison with other works on a similar topic.  

The annotation is written concisely, without judgment Annotations for specialized collections and journals are written with a view to the reader with relevant knowledge, using professional terms, adhering to a scientific style. A well-written abstract can be a good signal for your teacher, so we recommend that you learn better how to summarize an article  .

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Annotation is used as:

  • an extended title element that allows the reader to decide whether to read the entire article or not;
  • an element of input data in automated systems for a more convenient search;  
  • element of bibliographic record when published in scientific collections.

Depending on the requirements of the scientific journal, the abstract is written only in Russian (keywords in Russian or in Russian and English) and in Russian and English.

The abstract is used in scientific journals, in scientific collections, ordinary and electronic libraries, in collections based on the results of scientific conferences. Next, we will provide a list of annotation phrases that you can use. If you think that the abstract that can become the face of your project should be written by a professional, you can always request on the Internet write my essay for me .

List of phrases for annotation and

Since the abstract is written in a scientific style, it encourages the use of cliché phrases that help structure thoughts:

  1. This article addresses the problem ...
  2. The idea is substantiated that ...
  3. Traced ...
  4. The article touches upon the topic ...
  5. Comparison is given ...
  6. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study ...
  7. The purpose of the article is to analyze the study ...
  8. The article is devoted to the phenomenon ...
  9. The article reveals the problems ...
  10. Particular attention is paid to ...
  11. The article analyzes ...
  12. The author concludes that ...
  13. The author focuses on ...
  14. The characteristic features are highlighted and described ...
  15. The article clarifies the features ...
  16. Based on the study ... it was established ...
  17. The article is devoted to a close analysis ...
  18. Based on the analysis ... as well as attraction ... it is established that ...
  19. The article is devoted to the current problem ...
  20. This problem has been little studied and requires further research.
  21. The article summarizes new material on the topic under study, is introduced into scientific circulation ...
  22. The author suggested ...
  23. The work is interdisciplinary, written at the junction ...
  24. The main content of the study is analysis ...
  25. Such a view will be interesting for specialists in the field of ...
  26. The article deals with ...
  27. The article is devoted to a detailed analysis ...
  28. Considerable attention is paid to ...
  29. In conclusion, it reveals ...
  30. The article reveals the content of the concept ...
  31. The author traces the formation ...
  32. Practical experience is summarized ...
  33. The article explores the characteristic features ...
  34. The article discusses the key steps ...
  35. As a research task, the authors identified an attempt to assess ...
  36. The article reveals the processes ...
  37. The article summarizes some of the results of the study ...
  38. The author gives a generalized description ...
  39. This direction is complemented by the consideration ...
  40. The idea is substantiated that ...
  41. The article analyzes the concepts ...
  42. As key evidence ... is used ...
  43. The article provides an analysis of the views of researchers ...
  44. The question of ...
  45. This article attempts to reveal the main reasons ...
  46. The article sets out views on ...
  47. The author seeks to trace the process ...
  48. The article provides an analysis of scientific research ...

Since the volume of the annotation is limited, you should not overdo it with the number of phrases.



